1. Select Email Signature sent from Marketing. Press “Ctrl + C” to copy.
  2. Select Settings in the upper right corner.
  3. Select Account in the upper left corner of Settings.
  4. Select Signatures.
  5. Click  New signature, and edit signature name.
  6. In the editing box below the new name, type your signature, press “Ctrl + V” to paste the signature.
  7. Click Save. Double check your signature is selected for “New Messages” and off for “Replies/Forwards.”
  1. Select Email Signature sent from Marketing. Press “Ctrl + C” to copy.
  2. Click New Mail button in the upper left corner.
  3. Select Signature in the menu above the email.
  4. Select Manage Signatures.
  5. Click on “+,” paste signature into editor and edit Signature Name.
  6. Click Save. Double check your signature is selected for “New Messages” and off for “Replies/Forwards.”
  1. Open Email sent from Marketing, hold down on first name. Select all of the text and press “Copy.”
  2. Select the attached LaSalle Bristol logo.
  3. Hold down on the logo and select “Save.” If you then see a pop-up box select “Allow.”
  4. Click “X” and the back button (“<“) to end up on the main page.
  5. Click on your Avatar at the top left.
  6. Select Settings (gear icon) at the bottom left.
  7. Select Signature under “Quick Settings.”
  8. Click on the “Insert Photo” button left of the “Body” button and select the saved LaSalle Bristol logo.
  9. Click “Paste.”
  10. Resize the logo so the right edge lines up about halfway on your phone screen.
  11. Click on the Check Mark in the upper right to save changes.
Note *** The mobile version of the signature may look different compared to the desktop versions. If the layout breaks awkwardly, please do edit accordingly. We are always here to assist you to make sure it looks the best it can. ***