- Select Email Signature sent from Marketing. Press “Ctrl + C” to copy.
- Select Settings in the upper right corner.
- Select Account in the upper left corner of Settings.
- Select Signatures.
- Click New signature, and edit signature name.
- In the editing box below the new name, type your signature, press “Ctrl + V” to paste the signature.
- Click Save. Double check your signature is selected for “New Messages” and off for “Replies/Forwards.”
- Select Email Signature sent from Marketing. Press “Ctrl + C” to copy.
- Click New Mail button in the upper left corner.
- Select Signature in the menu above the email.
- Select Manage Signatures.
- Click on “+,” paste signature into editor and edit Signature Name.
- Click Save. Double check your signature is selected for “New Messages” and off for “Replies/Forwards.”
- Open Email sent from Marketing, hold down on first name. Select all of the text and press “Copy.”
- Select the attached LaSalle Bristol logo.
- Hold down on the logo and select “Save.” If you then see a pop-up box select “Allow.”
- Click “X” and the back button (“<“) to end up on the main page.
- Click on your Avatar at the top left.
- Select Settings (gear icon) at the bottom left.
- Select Signature under “Quick Settings.”
- Click on the “Insert Photo” button left of the “Body” button and select the saved LaSalle Bristol logo.
- Click “Paste.”
- Resize the logo so the right edge lines up about halfway on your phone screen.
- Click on the Check Mark in the upper right to save changes.